Blade - Thin, flattened section of a plant leaf that collects sunlight, Hushed - Very quiet, Flick - Sudden sharp/fast movement., Thunderstorm - Storms with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail., Force - a push or pull on an object, Electricity - A form of energy caused by the movement of electrons., Rumble - A long, deep sound., Electrons - Negatively charged particles, Atoms - Smallest unit of matter, Energy - The ability to do work, to make things happen, and to cause changes., Hurl - Throw forcefully; shout out violently, Slivers - Small, thin pieces of something that has been split off, Hail - Precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents, Brightness - Intensity of light, Tingle - Feel a stinging, prickling, or thrilling sensation, Streamer - Long, narrow strips., Return Stroke - The luminous lightning stroke that propagates upward from the earth to the base of a cloud., Glow - Shine brightly without a flame., Thunderhead - Giant clouds that bring rain, sleet, hail, snow, and strong winds., Moist - Slightly wet,

Week # 4 (Lightning)


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