1) A competition in which the abilities of competitors are tested. a) Contest b) Forum c) Jury d) Game 2) A public meeting or assembly for such discussion. a) Dialogue b) Jury c) Forum d) Contest 3) To wait or pause because of doubt, fear, or indecision; vacillate. a) Confidence b) Decision c) Change d) Hesitate 4) An idea, assumption, or explanation of something that has not yet been proved. a) Hypothesis b) To undergo c) Hesitate d) Fact 5) A group of persons who are chosen to decide on who is to receive prizes. a) Judge b) Forum c) Jury d) People 6) Literature fiction that uses imaginative scientific knowledge, often about the future. a) Forum b) Science fiction c) Novel d) Hesitate 7) To experience something that involves a change. a) Life goes on b) To undergo c) Next d) To oppose

Vocabulary about Thinking about the Future


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