1) In what state is it illegal to walk barefoot into a local coffee shop a) New York b) Maryland c) Virginia d) California 2) In what state is it against the law to put livestock on a school bus a) Indiana b) Delaware c) Florida d) Oregon 3) In what state is it against the law to frown at a police officer a) Kansas b) New Jersey c) Virginia d) Tennessee 4) In what state is it illegal for a tenant to bite his or her landlord a) Maine b) Nebraska c) Arizona d) Colorado 5) In what state is it illegal to put pennies in your ear a) New Hampshire b) Iowa c) Hawaii d) Utah 6) In what state is it illegal to carry a concealed bean snapper a) Alaska b) Mississippi c) Washington d) Texas e) Kansas 7) In what state is it against the law to throw a ball at a person's head just for fun a) California b) Maine c) Ohio d) New Jersey e) New York 8) In what state is it illegal to play checkers in public a) Wisconsin b) Kentucky c) Nevada d) Vermont 9) In what state is it illegal to fish for whales on Sundays a) New Mexico b) Louisiana c) Alabama d) Ohio 10) In what state is it illegal to mistreat oysters a) Oregon b) Pennsylvania c) Maryland d) Minnesota 11) In what state is waking a sleeping bear to take a picture prohibited a) Maine b) Alaska c) Minnesota d) Oklahoma 12) In what state is it illegal to walk backwards after dark a) Connnecticut b) Nevada c) Missouri d) North Carolina 13) In what state is it illegal to offer a stranger leftover fried chicken on a holiday a) Nebraska b) Kentucky c) New Hampshire d) North Dakota e) Vermont 14) In what state do you need a special 5 dollar permit to go barefoot a) West Virginia b) Texas c) Wisconsin d) Wyoming e) Arizona 15) In what state is it illegal to have a water gun fight a) Texas b) Indiana c) Oregon d) Massachusetts 16) In what state is it illegal to kick a tree less than 6 feet tall a) Colorado b) Tennessee c) Louisiana d) Rhode Island 17) In what state is it illegal to drink milk from another person's cow a) Oregon b) Arizona c) Kentucky d) Missouri e) Texas 18) In what state are Bear wrestling matches prohibited  a) Kansas b) North Dakota c) Alabama d) Utah 19) In what state is it illegal to sing while wearing a bathing suit a) South Carolina b) Delaware c) California d) Florida 20) In what state is it illegal to kiss on a train a) Oklahoma b) Wisconsin c) West Virginia d) Georgia

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