lead - 2 electrodes make a ____, electrode - upward wave deflection =, ten electrodes - standard 12 lead EKG, p wave - atrial depolarization on EKG, QRS complex - ventricular depolarization & atrial diastole on EKG, t wave - ventricular repolarization on EKG, vagus nerve - influences SA & AV nodes in PSNS, ACH - vagus nerve releases this neurotransmitter, bradycardia - resting HR below 60 beats/min, cardiac nerve - influences SA & AV nodes in SNS, norepinephrine - cardiac nerve releases the neurotransmitter, speeds - norepinephrine ____ up HR, decreases - ACH ___ HR, tachycardia - resting HR above 100 beats/min, preload - volume at the end of ventricular filling (EDV), frank-starling - greater preload= more forceful contraction, stretch-contraction - overfilling=greater stroke volume= ___ coupliing, afterload - pressure the heart must overcome to eject blood, resistance - (length x viscosity)/ radius^4, radius - most important component in resistance to blood flow, tap - korotkoff sound #1, ratepressureproduct - heart rate x systolic BP, knock - korotkoff sound #3, muffled - korotkoff sound #4, meanarterialpressure - diastolic + 1/3 (systolic-diastolic), first - systolic pressure is which korotkoff sound, fifth - diastolic pressure is which korotkoff sound, increases - systolic # __ with exercise intensity, doesn't change - diastolic # ___ with exercise intensity, pulse pressure - difference between systolic & diastolic ,

Kines 118 SI 10/27/22 Clsoing



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