רכילות: Telling Chaya that Shayna said Chaya's nice, Telling someone what a friend said about them (even good things), Asking someone "What are they saying about me?", Asking someone "Why did you do a favor for Shloimy but you won't do one for me?", לשון הרע: Telling Tzvi something about Doniel so that Doniel will find out and get upset, Telling Dovid something mean about Aryeh, if he'll never find out, Telling Chana something "nice" about Devorah that would still make Devorah upset ("Can you believe she only got 99% on her test?"), Listening when people are speaking not nicely about others, Texting Rochel something mean about Leah, Talking about somenoe without their name, if people can figure out who you mean, Speaking not nicely about someones belongings, מוציא שם רע: Telling Chaim that Boruch took his snack, when really it was you, Making something up about someone else, אבק לשון הרע: Hinting that you know something about someone else, Saying something nice about "Rivkah" in front of someone who doesn't like her, Making a joke about someone, Saying something "just for fun" about someone, even if you're not trying to hurt them, Permitted Speech: Telling a boss information about someone that they're thinking of hiring, Telling someone that the plumber that they want to hire did a bad job in your house, A parent telling a child to not be friends with someone in their class so they won't be a bad influence,
Chidon Book 1: Unit 13 Details (LaShon Hara)
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