1) The struggle for equal civil rights between the 1950's-1960's is called... a) The Suffrage Movement b) The Abolition Movement c) The Civil Rights Movement 2) Jim Crow laws were laws that enforced segregation and made it for black Americans to be treated... a) Unequally b) Equally 3) Jim Crow laws enforced discrimination because of... a) eye color b) skin color c) gender 4) What was the outcome of the Brown V. Board of Education Supreme Court case? a) Integration of busses b) Integration of restaurants c) Integration of parks d) Integration of schools 5) Select the person who matches this description: They refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery Bus. a) John Lewis b) Ruby Bridges c) Rosa Parks d) Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 6) Select the person who matches this description: This person gave the famous "I have a Dream" speech. a) John Lewis b) Ruby Bridges c) Rosa Parks d) Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 7) Select the person who matches this description: This person led the march from Selma to Montgomery and did Freedom Rides. a) John Lewis b) Ruby Bridges c) Rosa Parks d) Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 8) Select the person who matches this description: A young person who helped integrate an elementary school in the south. a) John Lewis b) Ruby Bridges c) Rosa Parks d) Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 9) When did these four events happen? Montgomery Bus Boycott, March on Washington, Freedom Rides, and Brown v. Board of Education. a) American Revolution b) Seneca Falls Convention c) Underground Railroad d) Civil Rights Movement 10) What are some tactics (ways) Black Americans fought for their rights? (Select all that apply) a) Boycotts b) Going to war c) Freedom Rides d) Sit-ins e) Marching f) Writing letters to George Washington

Exam 3 Review


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