inspect - to look at carefully in search of flaws, expand - To increase in size or amount, badly - very seriously; in a way that is of low quality or in an unpleasant way, infect - to contaminate; to make ill; to corrupt, inflate - To fill with air or other gas, demand - the desire to own something and the ability to pay for it, export - A good or service produced in the home country and sold in another country., nightly - every night at bedtime, lucky - fortunate, likely - probably, reasonable - fair and sensible, inspection - the act of examining or reviewing, exactly - in a correct or accurate way, explainable - you can explain how or why it happens, infection - Contamination or invasion of body tissue by pathogenic organisms, stew - To cook slowly and for a long time in liquid, windy - with a lot of wind, Jet stream - a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing from west to east near the top of the troposphere, Gulf Stream - A warm ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico northward through the Atlantic Ocean, El Nino - A warming of the ocean surface in the pacific ocean that causes a lot of rainy weather, La Nina - A cooling of the ocean surface off the western coast of South America, occurring periodically every 4 to 12 years and affecting Pacific and other weather patterns.,
Lesson 10 Vocabulary
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