1) What type of blood flow occurs in fish? a) Parallel flow b) Countercurrent flow c) Double circulatory system d) Single circulatory system 2) These are located on the gill filaments in fish.. a) Stomata b) Spiracles c) Lamellae d) Lamellas e) Alveoli 3) A countercurrent system.... a) Allows blood to flow in the opposite direction to water b) Allows blood and water to flow in the same direction 4) These are tiny openings in an insects abdomen a) Stomata b) Guard cells c) Gills d) Spiracles 5) Once air passes the spiracles, it goes through the.... a) Alveoli wall b) Tracheae c) Tracheoles d) Bronchioles e) Bronchi 6) Once air passes through the tracheae, it goes through the..... a) Alveoli wall b) Tracheae c) Bronchioles d) Bronchi e) Tracheoles 7) What factors limit water loss in insects? a) Spiracle location b) Spiracle closure and opening c) Spiracles being small d) Hairs being able to track moisture e) Lack of hair around spiracle f) Guard cells 8) Where are stomata located on plant leaves? a) Underside b) Upper surface c) The stem 9) Stomata are surrounded by ........... that help to open and close the stomata a) Epidermis cells b) Mesophyll cells c) Palisade cells d) Guard cells 10) As ions flow into guard cells, the water potential.................. so water floods in, increasing turgidity. a) Increases b) Stays the same c) Decreases 11) As organism size increases........ a) SA:V ratio decreases b) Volume increases faster than surface area c) SA:V ratio increases d) Volume increases slower than surface area

Fish, insects and plants gas exchange


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