Negative: (teacher/ student) absenteeism, dilapidated school buildings, bullying, bureaucracy / paperwork (red tape), chalk and talk, chaotic / disorganized, understaffed and underfunded, churning new teachers out, cookie cutter / standardisation, dark / gloomy interiors, discrimination, drop out, hothouse atmosphere, military inspired, political indoctrination, teachers accept bribes, teachers are unsackable, Positive: bright and airy classrooms, choice / freedom, top of the PISA ratings, teaching is a high status job, teachers with higher degrees, leadership skills / identify leaders, continuous assessment, career counselling, follow the latest teaching trends, flexible schedule, give students responsibility, to pass exams with flying colours, learn self-confidence and other soft skills, parent involvement, self-expression, prioritizing students over marks, project-based learning,

Positive and negative vocabulary (SCHOOLS, FCE, ЕГЭ)


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