If/you live/a block/of flats/get to know/neighbors. - If you live in a block of flats, you get to know your neighbors., You/win/the lottery/unless/you/buy/a ticket. - You won’t win the lottery unless you buy a ticket., If/you move/the country/you might/get more/sleep. - If you move to the country, you might get more sleep., You/save/money/if you/rent/a flat/the suburb. - You will save money if you rent a flat in the suburb., When/you/have/a patio/you/not need/a garden. - When you have a patio, you don’t need a garden., If/you/go/the museum/on Sunday/you/not have/to pay. - If you go to the museum on Sunday, you don’t have to pay., Unless/you take/lots of notes/you/forget/this lesson. - Unless you take lots of notes, you will forget this lesson., When/you/have got/central heating/you/often/get more colds. - When you’ve got central heating, you often get more colds., You/pass your exams/if you/not attend all your classes. - You won’t pass your exams if you don’t attend all your classes., If a house/be/detached/it/be more expensive. - If a house is detached, it will be more expensive.,


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