Select - You want to generate queries, Insert - Add records to a Relational Database, Delete - Remove records from a Relational Database, Update - Modify data in a Relational Database, Create - Add a new Database or table in a Database, Alter - Add, remove, or modify tables or fields/columns in a Database, Drop - Delete a Database or tables from a Database, Schema - Rules and structure of a Database, Records - Rows in a Relational Database, Fields - Columns in a Relational Database, Primary Key - Uniquely identifies a record , Structured Data - Data that is placed in columns and rows are what, (Non) Unstructured Data - Pictures, emails, and text are what, Semi Structured - Pictures with dates and times attached are what, MetaData - The date and times in a photo are called what, Query - What to use to retrieve raw unformatted data from a database, Foreign Key - Refers to data from another table, Document and Key value - Non relational Databases, Constraints - Limitations put on a field in a Database, Macros and Modules - You need to create automation and efficientcy in a database for clean up, API, ODBC, JDBC link - You need direct access to a database, Permissions - You want to secure a database from unwanted viewing ,
Database Commands ITF
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