1) Who has health and safety responsibilities on a construction site a) The site manager b) The HSE c) Your supervisor or mentor d) The site health and safety manager e) All people working on the site f) NHBC 2) Which of the following is a legal requirement for employers a) Method statement b) Risk assessment c) Risk assessment & method statement d) Permit to work e) CSCS card f) First aid trained staff 3) An accident has occurred on site and unfortunately an employee has been killed, the employer has been found to be at fault and taken to court regarding the incident, what is the most likely outcome from the court proceedings a) Prohibition Notice b) Improvement notice c) Site temporarily closed d) Red card issued e) Site or company closed permanently f) A fine or prosecution issued by the court 4) Which of the following hazardous materials is most likely to be found on a construction site a) Liquid gas b) Petroleum c) Cement dust d) Red diesel e) Asbestos f) Fibre glass 5) Other trades have left tools and equipment lying across a walkway, what type of hazard does this pose to others on site a) Trip hazard b) Fire hazard c) Electrical hazard d) Biological hazard e) Environmental hazard f) Manual handling hazard 6) Poor lifting technique used at work can cause ( select all that apply ) a) Damage to the back b) Muscular injuries c) Skeletoral injuries d) Strains e) Breathing problems f) cuts, fractures 7) The health and safety at work act was introduced in which year a) 1969 b) 1984 c) 1974 d) 1900 e) 1995 f) 1964 8) PPE should be ( select all that apply ) a) Made in the UK b) Supplied free of charge by the employer c) upplied but subsidised by the employee d) Suitable for the task e) Be used as a last resort at controlling hazards f) Meet a set standard 9) What type of glove or hand protection would be most suitable when carrying or handling glass a) Water resistant b) Heat resistant c) Chain mail d) Kevlar e) Laceration graded f) Rigger glove 10) You are asked to move a large item on site, you feel it may be too much for you to do safely, you should a) Refuse to move it and get on with other tasks b) Try to move it, if you struggle get help c) Ask a colleague to move it for you d) Drag it rather than risk lifting it e) Move it gradually, short distances at a time f) Explain your concerns to your supervisor and request assistance 11) Site equipment such as Fork lifts, boom lifts etc should be used by a) Trained and competent people b) Anyone with a driving license c) Anyone who feels confident enough d) The site manager e) Any person available f) The site labourer 12) The term competence means a) An inducted person b) Someone who has had appropriate instruction c) Someone who has been observed d) Someone who has the correct skills knowledge and training e) Someone who has completed training f) Someone who has done the same job for years 13) You are working on site and the weather has deteriorated, wind rain and snow have begun to fall, you should a) Leave site and return on a more suitable day b) Locate wet weather gear for all staff and continue c) Do nothing, continue as normal d) Speak to the site manager and gain his view on wether work can continue e) Carry out a dynamic risk assessment f) Check what it says in site rules 14) You are working on a trench dig, you uncover a pipe that is yellow in colour, this pipe is likely to contain a) Water b) Electricity c) Gas d) Telephone or digital services e) Sewage f) All of the above 15) Whilst working in a trench you begin to feel dizzy, you should a) Warn others in the trench and evacuate immediately b) Warn others in the trench c) Contact the site manager by mobile phone and await his advice d) Do nothing, continue to see if symptoms subside e) Locate a face mask and continue f) locate an FFP face fit mask and continue 16) The best way to protect people from falling into excavations on site is a) Use cones to isolate the area b) Use barriers around the area c) Place warning signs and use fence barriers to isolate the area d) Induct all staff e) Carry out a toolbox talk f) Place vehicles around the excavation 17) Working at height is recognised as a) Working at a height of over 2mtrs b) Working at a height of over 3 mtrs c) Working on upper levels of buildings where someone could fall d) Working on ladders or scaffold for periods of over 20 minutes e) Working at any height where someone could fall or be injured f) Working on MEWPS 18) The work at height regulations suggest that if at all possible a) Work at height should be risk assessed b) Work at height requires PPE c) Work should not last for more than 20 mins d) Working platforms should be used e) Work should be monitored f) Work at height should be avoided 19) The correct angle of lean for a ladder is a) 1:6 or 80 degrees b) 1:4 or 75 degrees c) 1:5 or 77 degrees d) 1:3 or 45 Degrees e) 1;2 or 50 Degrees f) 1:1 90 degrees 20) Mobile scaffold towers can be assembled by a) A competent person b) Site agents only c) Those who feel they know how to d) Someone who has been inducted e) 2 people working together f) Site labourers only 21) A colleague you are working with has an accident on site and is injured, you should a) Raise the alarm, call for help b) Tend to him with the first aid kit c) Ring your manager and inform him d) Find the site manager and inform him e) Inform the injured parties family f) Find an on site first aider 22) Which of the following details are not required to be recorded in the accident book a) Details of the person injured b) Details of the injuries sustained c) E mail address of the injured party d) National Insurance number of the injured party e) CSCS card number of the injured party f) Details of the treatment provided by the first aid trained person 23) How does a site decide how many first aid staff they need to cover the site a) Decide daily depending on the number of people on site b) Ensure they meet a 1:2 ratio c) Risk assess the requirements d) Work to a national average e) Employ at least 1 as a minimum f) Ensure at least 2 as a minimum 24) Whilst on site you notice a break out of fire, your first action should be to a) Raise the alarm and follow site procedures detailed in your induction b) Evacuate to the assembly point c) Inform your supervisor and attempt to attack the fire together d) Inform a first aid trained person e) Contact the site manager f) Do nothing, fire wardens will deal with it 25) A fire extinguisher with a Blue coloured band contains a) Water b) Foam c) C02 d) Dry Powder e) Fire resistant foam f) LPG 26) A fire extinguisher with a Cream coloured band contains a) Water b) Foam c) C02 d) Dry Powder e) Fire resistant foam f) LPG 27) A fire extinguisher with a Black coloured band contains a) Water b) Foam c) C02 d) Dry Powder e) Fire resistant foam f) LPG 28) Waste created on site should be a) disposed of at a local recycling centre b) Taken back to your own place of work for recycling c) Burned or incinerated on site d) Disposed of and recycled as per the site environmental policy e) Stored in the work area and disposed of by site labourers f) Piled in your van until the van is full 29) Washing away cement or mortar residue on site can a) Improve the cleanliness of the work area b) Improve the efficiency of brick layers c) Make it safer for vehicles on site d) Cause it to freeze e) Cause environmental issues with water courses such as streams, rivers, pondswith f) Cause skin irritation 30) Which of the following is not recognised as PPE that can be used on a construction site a) Hard hat b) High visibility clothing c) Safety gloves d) Safety boots e) Appropriate hand protection f) Baseball cap 31) Under the requirements of health & safety law, Risk assessments must be recorded if an employer a) Employs 5 or more people b) Employs sub contractors c) Employs agency staff d) Employs foreign workers e) Employs 5 or more females f) Employs children 32) A hazard is described as a) Something that can cause injury b) Something that can cause harm c) Something that can cause ill health d) Something with the potential to cause injury, harm or ill health e) Something that can cause an accident f) Something that can cause a near miss 33) A risk assessment (select all that apply) a) Identifies the risks b) Identifies the hazards c) Places control measures in place to control the risks and hazards d) Is only needed on construction sites e) Must be written by the HSE f) Is not a legal requirement 34) Storing batteries from cordless tools in a tool bag with other tools can a) Cause the leaking of acids from the batteries b) Cause the user an electrical shock when using the tool bag c) Cause a fire to start d) Cause people nearby to be electrocuted e) Cause severe burns f) Cause manual handling injuries 35) Extension leads used on site should a) Hold a PAT test cert b) include Shielding c) Be designed with a Fire resistant core d) Be checked prior to use and include an RCD device e) Hold a part P certificate f) be used with a fire extinguisher 36) Vehicles travelling around site should be a) Painted in high vis paint b) Driven by construction workers only c) Segregated from pedestrians d) Sound proof e) Water proof f) Speed limited 37) When attempting to cross a road with a vehicle approaching on a construction site, the person crossing should a) Walk into the middle of the road and hold up the hand to inform the vehicle to stop b) Cross when they feel its safe c) Wait for a banksman to assist d) Wait for the driver to sound his horn e) Wait until the driver has signalled that it is safe to cross or until the vehicle has passed f) Dart accross at the first opportunity 38) When working around mobile plant or vehicles on site, the most likely incident would be a) Damage to hearing b) Damage to sight c) Being struck by the vehicle d) Breathing in dust disturbed e) Manual handling injuries f) HAVS 39) A clean and tidy site is a) An efficient site b) A happy site c) A profitable site d) A fire resistant site e) A noise aware site f) A safe site 40) Mandatory safety signs are coloured a) Red b) Green c) Yellow d) Orange e) Blue f) White 41) Signs with a Red border are identified as a) Prohibition signs b) Mandatory signs c) warning signs d) Safe condition signs e) Temporary signs f) Permenant signs 42) The safety sign in the picture states a) Wet weather clothing to be worn b) Thermal clothing to be worn c) Optional High Vis Vest d) High Vis vest to be worn e) Jumpers to be worn f) Jackets to be worn 43) The safety sign in the picture is a) Identifying the possibility of lightning strikes b) prohibiting the use of electrical equipment c) Warning of potential electrical shock d) Warning of radiation e) Mandatory use of electrical equipment f) Prohibiting the use of battery operated equipment 44) The signage shown in the picture relates to which set of safety regulations a) HASAWA b) MHOR c) WAHR d) HAVS e) PPER f) COSHH 45) The sign shown is warning of a) A flammable substance b) A corrosive substance c) An irritant substance d) A threat to the environment e) An oxidising substance f) Oxygen stored under pressure 46) The sign shown is warning of a) A flammable substance b) A corrosive substance c) An irritant substance d) A threat to the environment e) An oxidising substance f) Oxygen stored under pressure 47) The sign shown is warning of a) A flammable substance b) A corrosive substance c) An irritant substance d) A threat to the environment e) An oxidising substance f) A hazardous substance 48) Some sites control the use of drugs and alcohol by a) Carrying out random testing b) Providing on site training c) Placing information posters around the site d) Supplying lifestyle questionares e) Asking for info from your employer f) Looking at your criminal records 49) The use of prescribed or un prescribed drugs on site can ( select all that apply ) a) Affect your decision making b) Affect you for only part of the day c) Lead to accidents, incidents d) Make you become a hazard to others e) Affect your eating habits f) Affect your use of toilet facilities 50) Injuries sustained at work can also lead to ( Select all that apply ) a) Disability b) Stress c) Anxiety d) Parkinsons disease e) Motor Nurones Disease f) COPD
NLTG : CSCS Health, safety and environmental assessment practice ( target score 80% ) plus 4 out of 5 in work at height
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