journalism - the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcas, report - a paper, article, announcement, or similar account that contains detailed information that someone has gathered, reporter - a person who reports, especially one employed to report news or conduct interviews for newspapers or broadcasts; a journalist, credible - trustworthy or reliable, reputable - a source that has a good reputation , objective - unbiased , impartial - fair and just; equal treatment , fake news - false or misleading information presented as news, editorial - a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue, op-ed - denoting or printed on the page opposite the editorial page in a newspaper, devoted to commentary, feature articles, etc., newsworthy - a story people want to hear about or a story that draws attention to it, proximity - nearness in time or location , breaking news - newly received information about an event that is currently occurring or developing, prominence - the state of being important or famous, novelty - contains something unusual or strange ,
Journalism Unit
8th Grade
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