1) When did Jawed Karim create his first YouTube video? a) 2005 b) 2006 c) 2007 d) 2008 e) 2009 f) 2010 2) Who is CaptainSparklez? a) I'm supposed to answer, not you b) A...soccer mom? c) A gamer d) Not a gamer, right? e) An ice-cream flavor f) IDK, and IDC 3) What is YouTube's slogan? a) Get fired b) You're hired--or fired? c) Spend less. Save more. d) i'm lovin' it BA DA BA BA BAAA e) Broadcast yourself. f) IDK, and IDC 4) The most subscribed-to YouTuber channel is... a) Jawed b) MrBeast c) Pewdiepie d) T-Series e) Cocomelon f) IDK, and IDC 5) Last question, what happens if you type "AWESOME" on your keyboard with YouTube open? a) You die. b) God gives you three wishes. c) Kanye West shows up...or something. d) The progress bar celebrates pride month. e) Nothing. f) IDK, and IDC

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