Do a favor without asking for anything in return, Prepare a meal for your family, Send a letter to a good friend instead of a text, Wash someone’s car, Do a sibling’s chores without them asking, Let someone else pick what to watch on T, Instead of posting negativity online, spread some encouragement, Take the time to appreciate the sunrise and sunset, Take the time to listen to someone, Reconnect with old friends, Be kind to yourself, Read to a younger sibling or family member, Thank a teacher , Run an errand for someone, Make a music playlist for someone, Pick up litter, Babysit for free, Text someone good morning or goodnight, Write down a friends best qualities (and give it to them), Give someone a hug, Bake someone a cake or cookies, Put your phone away when you’re with family or friends, Tutor someone, Make someone laugh - crack a few jokes, Think of 5 things that you are grateful for, Practice meditation.
Random Act of Kindness - How can you help someone today?
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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