IPV4 - 32 bits, has decimal places, 4 Octets, each octet cant go over 255, IPV6 - Uses Hexadecimal for IP addressing, MAC address - Unique Hardware address , IP address - Used for logical addressing , DNS - Keeps a record of URL's with their IP address, DHCP - Automatically assigns you a usable IP address, APIPA - Used for Local communication only and received when DHCP is down, LAN - A group of computers connected in a home or office building, WAN - Collection of Computers and Servers spread across geographical areas, Switch - Uses MAC addresses to make forwarding decisions, HUB - Sends information received out to all ports , Access Point - Used to extend a wired network wirelessly, Router - Uses IP addresses to make forwarding decisions, Modem - Used to convert analog signals to digital and vice versa, WPA2 - The most security using AES for a SOHO network, WPA - Uses TKIP for Encryption, OPEN - No security password needed to connect to this SSID, Fiber Optics - Uses Light for data transmitting, Cable - Often Called broadband and is fairly reliable, DSL - Uses RJ 11 for internet, Satellite - Uses line of Sight for internet, Cellular - Long Term Evolution 4g, NAS - Storage device for your LAN, 802.11 a - 5GHz 54Mbps, 802.11 b - 2.4 GHz 11Mbps, 802.11 g - 2.4GHz 54Mbps, 802.11 n - 2.4 and 5 GHz 600Mbps, MIMO, 802.11 ac - 5GHz the fastest, Uses Mu MIMO, Attenuation - weakening of a signal, Piconet - Bluetooth Network,
Networking Concepts ITF
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