1) The most popular New Year's resolution is to _____. a) quit smoking b) exercise more c) start eating better d) spend less and save more 2) _____ of New Year's resolutions fail after the first week. a) 57% b) 31% c) 22% d) 40% 3) The day most people are likely to give up on their New Year's Resolutions is January _____. a) 13 b) 22 c) 27 d) 19 4) Studies show that only about _____ of people actually keep their resolutions for the year. a) 8% b) 2% c) 5% d) 12% 5) Statistics say that about _____ of people never make New Year's resolutions because they know they won’t keep them. a) 15% b) 23% c) 11% d) 30% 6) But people who make New Year's resolutions are _____ times more likely to achieve their goals than the ones who don’t. a) 2 b) 10 c) 5 d) 3 7) According to Google, Russian resolutions usually focus on _____.  a) education b) career c) love d) health

New Year's Resolution Statistics


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