ambitious - a person who really wants to be successful, argumentative - often arguing or wanting to argue, assertive - behaves confidently and is not scared to say what they want or believe, considerate - kind and helpful, thinks about other people, dedicated - believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it, eccentric - strange or unusual, sometimes in a funny way, immature - to behave like a child, outgoing - a person who is friendly and energetic and like spending time with other people, sensible - a person who understands a situations and does the right things, stubborn - this person wants to do what he or she believes is right and refuses to do anything else., unconventional - different from what is usual or from the way most people do things, condescending - treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than them, vain - unsuccessful or useless; failing to achieve a purpose:, grumpy - easily annoyed and complaining, faithful - continuing to support someone or be their friend, even ina difficult situation, timid - shy and nervous, unassuming - behaving in a quiet and pleasant way, without trying to appear better or more important than other people, irritable - likely to become easily annoyed or impatient, conceited - behaves in a way that shows they think they are very intelligent, skilful, or attractive, cagey - not saying much about something, because you do not want people to know very much,
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