The body's response to either fight or run away. - Flight or Flight, Some examples of possible stressors: - Falling behind in schoolwork, overwhelming amount of tasks to complete, lack of time., Being more assertive can help reduce stressors. - True, Delegating responsibilites is a cop out. - False, Some examples for roadblocks to stop stress can include: - Journaling, reducing noises, finding social support., Some things that can help reduce stress? - Meditation, deep breathing, visualization, "Progressive Relaxation" uses: - Bracing then relaxing, Autogenic Training entails: - Speaking out loud to yourself in order to relax your body., Identify body parts that feel tense / relaxed. - First, Focus on the relaxed areas. - Second, Visualize a warm ball on the relaxed areas. - Third, Visualize rolling the ball to the tense areas. - Fourth, Massage, mindfulness apps, essential oils - Some tools we can use to reduce stressors, Exercising can blast away ____. - stress, How can you trick your brain? - Laughing, Speak words of affirmations in the mirror., When I am nervous I can say out loud "I am excited"., Systematic _____ is focusing on positive things and having a good attitude. - Desensitization, "Body _____" is when we engage in negative self talk. - Scanning,
Stress Management
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