merchants - business people who make a living buying and selling things, mercantilism - a way nations grew wealthy. They used the resources of colonies to make and sell more goods than they bought., settlers - people who move into a land to live, colony - an area that is ruled by another country, starvation - death from not having enough food, permanent - lasting; not going away, representatives - the people in government who make decisions for the people who elect them, attracted - drew or brought people in, plantations - large farms, slaves - people who are "owned" and forced to work by someone else, kidnapped - taken away by force, property - something that is owned, permission - an agreement from someone with power, cruel - causing pain and suffering, representative government - a government run by elected officials, persecuted - treated badly and unfairly, usually because of religion, politics, or race, passengers - the people who travel in a ship, plane, train, or bus, self-government - a government that gets its power from the people, not from kings or from force, Puritans - a group of English colonists who wanted religious freedom, created - built or made,
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