1) What 4 pieces of information should not be shared online? a) Home address b) Bank details c) Number plate d) Date of Birth e) Birth place f) Full name  2) How can phishing can be used to obtain personal information online? a) Scammers can create fake links to send you malware (viruses)  b) Scammers can ask your family and friends for your personal information  c) Scammers can create fake emails from organisations like banks, media companies and even the government d) Scammers can send you rewards for opening emails from them 3) Select at least 3 safety rules related to opening, sending and sharing photographs and videos online a) Never open videos, photographs from senders you do not know  b) Always open videos from strangers c) Always report or tell a trusted adult if you are receiving photos or videos that make you uncomfortable  d) Do not share any photos or videos that may make others uncomfortable e) Never miss an opportunity to tease a friend online because its just a joke 4) 2 rules of online etiquette when communicating with others a) Never be respectful online b) Always be respectful online c) Be aware of using offensive language d) Do not share private information without permission first e) Always share information that hasn't been fact checked f) Say things online that you wouldn't say to someones face 5) What are 3 different risks when meeting people online? a) Their intention may be very different to your i.e sexual predators b) You could be meeting real friend c) You don't know their real identity online d) You could risk being late e) They could be lying about their age 6) What are the main reasons for using virus protection on your computer? a) It can warn you against Dark Web pages b) It give your information to the public for free c) It detects, blocks and removes viruses d) Its covers your face so you don't spread it e) It prevents your identity being stolen by blocking phishing emails 7) 2 places pupils can get support or seek advice on personal safety online. a) A peer at school b) A trusted adult at college c) Online group chats d) A policeman e) My parent or carer

Using technology and the internet safely


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