amar - to love, ayudar - to help, buscar - to look for, comprar - to buy, descansar - to rest, enseñar - to teach, ganar - to win/earn, gastar - to spend, lavar - to wash, llamar - to call, llegar - to arrive, llevar - to wear, llorar - to cry, preguntar - to ask, sacar - to take out, aprender - to learn, hacer - to make/do, creer - to think/believe, deber - should, cubrir - to cover, dar - to give, subir - to climb/go up, vender - to sell, beber - to drink, regresar - to return, ver - to see, conducir - to drive, salir - to leave/go out, traer - to bring, poner - to put/place,

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