Any links you may have with a German speaking country, A request for information about the working hours, Any questions you may have about the job, A description of your personality, your opinion of any films you have seen recently, Your plans for accommodation in Berlin, Why you want to work in Berlin, when you will be available to work there, when you will be able to come to an interview, your future career plans, your experience of working with other people/the public, say why you want to work with children, ask what you can do on your day off, give job-related information about your hobbies, ask any two questions about the job, your reasons for wanting to work in Germany, your level of German, why you want this job, what activities you would organise at the weekends for students, your experience of travelling abroad, your strengths related to this job, how you can contribute to the daily running, the languages you speak.
German Nat 5 Job Application
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