A menudo iba a los cafés - I often used to go to cafes, Normalmente me acostaba a las once - Normally I would go to bed at eleven, A menudo invitaba a amigos a casa - I often used to invite friends home, Cada tarde comíamos en el abergue - Every evening we used to eat in the hostel, Por la mañana tomaba el sol en la playa - In the morning I used to sunbathe on the beach, Salíamos a comer juntos - We used to go out and eat together, Los fines de semana visitábamos los museos - At the weekend we used to visit the museums, Cada día tenía que atender a los clientes - Every day I had to see to the customers, Cada día organizaba actividades para los niños - Every day I organised activities for the children, Por la noche ayudaba a mi jefe arreglar la oficina - During the evening I used to help my boss tidy the office, Solía nadar en la piscina cada día - I used to swim in the pool every day, Hacía mucho calor todos los d ias - It was very hot every day,

Higher Spanish Directed Writing 5


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