How do you help out your friends and family?, What time do you usually get up? Do you wish you could get up earlier or later?, Have you ever been picked up by a crazy taxi driver?, Can you set up a computer?, Do you talk your friends into doing bad things?, Is there anything you turned down but now regret it?, What is the best or worst thing your friends talked you into?, What do you leave out when you talk to your parents about your life?, How often do you borrow money? Do you always pay it back?, Have any of your friends borrowed money and not paid you back?, How often do you get together with your high school or elementary school friends?, Have you ever blown anything up? What was it and how did it happen?, Have you ever had to take care of someone or something (sibling, pet, babysitting, etc.)? Did you enjoy it?, What is your favorite place to eat out at?, Do you know anyone who dropped out of high school or university?, Is there anyone you don’t get along with? Who and why?, How do you pick out the clothes you are going to buy? How about the clothes you are going to wear for the day?, Is there anything you need to cut down on?, What is something that you always put off until another day?, Have you ever run into a celebrity?, When do you usually wake up? When would you prefer to wake up?, If you could do something over in your life, what would you do over?, What do you leave out when you talk to your parents about your life?, How often do you borrow money? Do you always pay it back?, Have any of your friends borrowed money and not paid you back?, How often do you get together with your high school or elementary school friends?, How do you help out your friends and family?, What time do you usually get up? Do you wish you could get up earlier or later?.
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