Tell us about a special place you’ve visited. Is there anywhere in the world you’d really like to visit?, Sport, health, longevity. Can we live without sport? What are some of the risks of doing extreme sports?, What kinds of entertainment do you prefer? What is your idea of a perfect day?, Should we believe what the media tells us? How does the media earn our trust?, What factors are essential in making a good advertisement?, What is a generation gap? Is it possible to overcome a generation gap?What is a generation gap? Is it possible to overcome a generation gap? What role does technology change play in creating a generation gap? , Do you think you have a good work-life balance? Are you career-oriented or family-oriented?, What kind of pollution is there you live? What effects have you noticed?, If you could travel to the past or the future, would you do it? If you could travel to the past, would you visit anyone?, What is gender equality? How can women benefit from gender equality? And men?, What causes countries to engage in a war? What should countries do to prevent conflict.

B2 speaking practice



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