1) Find the complete subject: The shiny, black cat yawned. a) black cat b) The shiny, black cat c) black cat yawned d) yawned 2) Find the complete predicate: He spoke rudely to Coraline. a) He b) He spoke c) spoke rudely d) spoke rudely to Coraline 3) Find the complete subject: His big, green eyes glinted. a) His b) big, green eyes c) green eyes glinted d) His big, green eyes 4) Find the complete subject: The cat is not the “coolest” cat. a) The cat b) is not c) the "other" cat d) is not the "coolest" cat e) The cat is 5) Find the complete predicate: The creepy old house looked the same. a) house b) looked c) looked the same d) The creepy old house 6) Find the complete subject: The creepy old house looked the same. a) house b) looked c) looked the same d) The creepy old house 7) Find the complete predicate: The red and blue lights quickly flashed around the door. a) flashed b) flashed around the door c) quickly flashed around the door d) The red and blue lights quickly 8) Find the complete subject: The red and blue lights quickly flashed around the door. a) The red and blue lights b) lights c) quickly flashed around the door d) The red and blue lights quickly 9) Find the complete predicate: The black velvet curtain silently opened. a) opened b) silently opened c) The black velvet curtain d) velvet curtain silently 10) Find the complete subject: The black velvet curtain silently opened. a) opened b) silently opened c) The black velvet curtain d) velvet curtain silently 11) Find the complete predicate: Coraline quietly watched the show. a) Coraline quietly b) Coraline quietly watched c) quietly watched d) quietly watched the show 12) Find the complete subject: Coraline quietly watched the show. a) Coraline quietly b) Coraline c) quietly watched d) quietly watched the show 13) Find the complete predicate: Other dogs sat in the seats. a) in the seats b) sat in the seats c) the seats d) other dogs sat 14) Find the complete subject: Other dogs sat in the seats. a) other dogs b) sat in the seats c) the seats d) other dogs sat 15) Find the complete predicate: The Scottie dog with the flashlight asked for Coraline’s ticket. a) asked b) asked for Coraline's ticket c) The Scottie dog d) with the flashlight 16) Find the complete subject: The Scottie dog with the flashlight asked for Coraline’s ticket. a) The Scottie dog with the flashlight b) asked for Coraline's ticket c) The Scottie dog d) with the flashlight

Complete Subject Predicate Review


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