Geographic factors such as ____ and thin ____ soil made farming difficult for the New England Colonies. The region had access to waterways and ____, therefore the region's economy was based on ____, whaling, and ____. ____ was the first English settlement in ____ in the southern colony of ____. This settlement was established for economic reasons and ____ became one of its principal cash crops. ____ was established in ____ by the Pilgrims who were escaping religious persecution. ____ are large farming operations primarily located in the ____ colonies. ____ such as tobacco, rice, and cotton were grown and sold for a profit. A ____ and fertile soil provided this region with a long growing season. Different groups of people immigrated to the 13 colonies in search of religious freedom. For example, the ____ settled in ____, the ____ settled in ____, and the Pilgrims settled in Massachusetts. The need for a ____, ____ from England, and traditional ____ of Englishmen were some of the factors that contributed to the colonists establishing their own ____ institutions. A ____ is a system based on the public ____ of lawmaking officials. The first example of a representative government in America was the ____ which became a ____ followed by other colonies. In 1620 the Pilgrims wrote a ____ agreement called the ____ in which they agreed to govern themselves. The Pilgrims made decisions based on ____ and made new laws whenever it was necessary. The Fundamental Orders of ____ defined and limited the powers of the government, created a general ____, and extended ____ to non-church members. This document served as the 1st example of a ____ Constitution in America and helped establish the tradition of ____. European nations explored the world to find new ____ to India and China, to find gold and silver, and to expand their ____. ____ established Catholic missions while ____ focused primarily on ____ trading.

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