1) Act 1 Scene 1: "Under love's heavy ------- do I sink" a) burden b) load 2) Act 1 Scene 1: "I have lost myself. This is not ---------" a) Romeo b) Juliet 3) "He that hath the --------- of my course/ Direct my sail" a) steerage b) destination 4) On seeing Juliet for the first time "I ne'er saw true ------- until this night." a) ugliness b) beauty 5) "With love's light ------- did I o'erperch these walls" a) wings b) eyes 6) "Juliet is the -----" a) sun b) stars 7) "O I am fortune's ------!" a) fool b) plaything 8) "Then I defy you, -----!" a) stars b) moon 9) "O sweet Juliet, thy beauty hath made me -----------" a) womanly b) effeminate

Romeo and Juliet- Key Quotations Romeo


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