1) Here is a sentence that can help you remember the ways to spell the /ē/ sound. a) b) c) 2) The sentence keeps /ē/ spellings in the order of their frequency as seen in English words. a) ... from the largest to the smallest word b) ... from the shortest to the longest spelling c) ... from the most to the least common spelling 3) This type of memory key is called a mnĕmŏnic device. a) ... helps you sleep b) ... helps you remember c) ... helps you fix things 4) She needs to eat candy, and Steve gets money on the radio. Choose the best What Spells? order: a) e, ee, ea, y, e_e, ey, i b) e, e-e, y, ea, ee, ey, i c) e, y, i, ea, ee, ey, e_e

Lesson 2-08 Reading Sentences


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