McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) - Established supremacy of the US Constitution and federal laws over state laws; Necessary & Proper Clause, Marbury v. Madison (1803) - Article III- Established Judicial Review , Schenck v. United States (1919) - 1st Amendment; Speech creating a “clear and present danger” is not protected, Brown v. Board of Education I (1954) - 14th Amendment; Raced based segregation is illegal, Baker v. Carr (1961) - 14th Amendment; Established “one man, one vote” and opens door to courts to reviewing redistricting challenges, Engle v. Vitale (1962) - 1st Amendment (Religion); No state sponsored prayer, Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) - 6th Amendment; Guarantee of an attorney for the poor, Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) - 1st Amendment (Speech);  Public school students have the right to protest (armbands), New York Times Co. V. United States (1971) - 1st Amendment (Press); Government tried to prevent publication of newspaper for national security , Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) - 1st Amendment (Exercise Clause); Cannot compel Amish students to attend school past the eighth grade, Shaw v. Reno (1993) - 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause; Legislative redistricting must be conscious of race, United States v. Lopez (1995) - Commerce; Congress may not use commerce clause to make possession of a gun in a school zone a federal crime, McDonald v. Chicago (2010) - 14th Due Process & 2nd Amendment; Right to keep and bear arms for self-defense applies to the states , Citizens United v. FEC (2010) - 1st Amendment (Speech); Political spending by corporations, associations, and labor unions is protected,

14 Required SCOTUS Cases


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