Interpersonal - Skills that help you interact well with other people, like communication and listening skills., Emotional Intelligence - Recognize and identify own and others' feelings. Be in tune with other people which reduces conflict in the workplace, Integrity  - Doing the right thing regardless of the outcome. Adhering to workplace and legal standards, Problem solving  - Save time and resources by effectively analyzing an issue and resolving it quickly. , Critical thinking - Can evaluate a situation, gather relevant information and make decisions based on facts., Open mindedness - Can adapt to changes easily and embrace new processes, procedures and technology that benefit the company., Organisational Skills - Ability to create an organized workspace, physically and digitally, decreases distractions and helps to focus. , Time management - Ability to use time effectively, knowing how to prioritize tasks, streamline processes and delegate tasks , Leadership Skills - Having essential skills to lead a team of people. A valuable asset for any workplace , Digital Skills  - Ability to use electronic devices and complete tasks -knowledge of computer software/hardware,


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