Dates of Shavuot - 6th and 7th of Shavuot (or Sivan?), 3 Major Festivals - Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot, Why is Chag called Shavuot? - Because we count seven weeks from Pesach in preparation for the receiving of the Torah. , Why is Shavuot also called Zman Matan Torateinu? - Because it is the day we got the Torah, What did we hear on Shavuot at Mount Sinai? - The 10 Commandments, Why was Mount Sinai chosen as the mountain on which the Torah should be given? - It was the smallest of all mountains, symbolic of the need for humility in order to study Torah, Who said the famous words, "We will do and we will listen"? - The Jewish People , What was so great about the quote "We will do and we will listen"? - The Jewish people accepted the Torah before knowing what was in it. , In which year did we receive the Torah? - 2448, How many years ago was that? - 3335, How many total mitzvot are there? - 613, How many positive commandments are there? - 248, How many negative commandments are there? - 365,

Shavuot Part 1



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