ellas favorite ride - diamondback, horse tornado - carousel, red vs blue - racer, ***** belt - Orion, jungle theme - adventure express, Italian job - backlot stunt coaster, worlds longest steel inverted roller coster - banshee, boo! - boo blasters, new - cargo loco, you get wet - congo falls, big and spinnie - delirium, dodge cars - dodgem, aahhhhh im falling - drop tower, flight of cheer haha - flight of fear, people black out - invertigo, im friends with the ******* under my bed - monster, scary tree - mystic timbers, my dad likes his eggs.... scrambled - scrambler, they are blind i think - the bat (never really heard of it), rararararrarrararrararrararra - the beast, big ship - viking fury, you get wet - white water canyon, wind finder - windseeker, flying swinngs - zephyr,

ki rides


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