1) The sweltering weather made the baseball game very uncomfortable. We tried using paper fans, but it didn't help much. What is the meaning of sweltering? a) rainy b) stormy c) windy d) hot 2) Grandpa didn't know that it was going to rain on the trip, and now he had to alter his plans. What is the meaning of alter? a) continue b) help c) change d) swim 3) It is crucial that you do your homework if you want to get good grades in English class. What is the meaning of crucial? a) important b) optional c) unimportant d) not necessary 4) I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old, what am I? a) Benjamin Button b) a candle c) a house d) a tree 5) What answer can you never answer yes to? a) Did you have a nice day? b) Did you like the soup? c) Are you asleep yet? d) Are you going to the mall later? 6) What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it? a) silence b) glass c) a window d) a leaf 7) What is Lauren's favorite food? a) tacos b) pizza c) cheeseburger d) salad

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