Defendant - The party against whom a case is brought, County - The court hearing (relatively) low value civil claims, Crown against - The meaning of 'R v' in a criminal case citation, Verdict - The decision in a criminal trial, Crown Prosecution Service - The state agency that decides whether to bring criminal charges, High - The court hearing high value/complex civil claims, Probabilities - The civil standard of proof is on the balance of this, Standard of proof - The amount of evidence needed to win a case, Crown - The court hearing serious criminal cases, Claimant - The party bringing a civil claim, Jury - Who decides the verdict in a Crown Court trial, Magistrates - The lowest criminal court in the hierarchy, Judge - Who makes the decision in a High Court trial, Damages - A successful claimant may hope to secure this, Society - Criminal law aims to protect this, Burden of proof - The Prosecution always has this,

Civil and criminal law - induction


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