field - a specific area of study, profession, or activity, loss - the state of not having something that was previously possessed, especially in terms of money or resources, launch - to introduce a new product or service into the market, wage - payment for work done, usually on an hourly or daily basis, in the red - when a business or organization has negative net worth or is losing money, break even - to reach a point where income equals expenses and there is no profit or loss, in the black - when a business or organization has positive net worth or is making a profit, expand - to increase in size, scope, or range, often referring to a business or organization, take over - to acquire control of a company or organization by purchasing its shares or assets, set up - to establish or create something, such as a business or organization, market - the group of people who are interested in buying a particular product or service, profit - the financial gain obtained from a business transaction after all expenses have been deducted, competitor - a person or company that is trying to win or do better than others in the same market or industry, export - to send goods or services to another country for sale or trade,
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