Water - Helps transport nutrients and oxygen to the body and get rid of waste. Help regulates body temperatures.C, Carbohydrates - The nutrient we need to most of in our diet. Made up of single and double molecules., Fats - They are chemical compounds which are fatty or oily substances that do not dissolve in water., Protein - Helps build new cells and repair the existing ones They can be stored as fat if we eat more than needed. Made up of 20 Amino Acids., Minerals - Chemicals that are needed for bone formation and enzyme activity., Nutrients - Substance in food that provides energy or helps form body tissues that is necessary for life and growth, Calorie - Unit of heat, Metabolism - Chemical processes that take place in your body to keep you alive and active, Fiber - Can't be digested but needed for digestion, Nutrient Deficiency - State of not having enough of a nutrient to maintain good health, Nutrient density - a measure of the nutrients in a food compared with the energy the food provides, Portion control - Controlling the quantity of particular foods by using appropriately sized servings., Saturated fats - A fat that is solid at room temperature and found in animal fats, lards, and dairy products, Unsaturated fats - A fat that is liquid at room temperature and found in vegetable oils., Simple carbohydrates - sugars in fruits, honey, & sugar cane, Complex carbohydrates - starches found in grains, potatoes, and vegetables, Incomplete proteins - Proteins that are missing one or more of the essential amino acids; found in plant sources such as nuts and legumes, Complete proteins - Proteins containing all the essential amino acids; found only in soy and animal foods (meats and dairy products),
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