Alternative Teaching - Co-teachers are beginning a unit on land formations. However, they know that they have various learners who could benefit from pre-teaching vocabulary. These students include Simon, a student with a significant learning disability in the area of reading; Mitchell, as student who takes medication for ADHD; Charity, a student who is uncertain of herself and tends to avoid participation in a group unless she is sure she knows the answer; and Maria, an English learner who struggles with her schoolwork., Parallel Teaching - In a sixth grade English class/language arts class the students are reading Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. They have read the first four chapters, and it is time for discussion to check for comprehension, analyzing character traits, and consider the themes of the novel. The teachers are aware that they will need pay close attention to students who will tend to have lots to say and those who are are usually quiet. They want to ensure that each student has the opportunity to discuss the characters friendships using guiding questions that will be provided and their own experiences with friendships., Station Teaching - In an elementary math class, students are learning about representing one and two-step word problems using number lines, strip diagrams, and equations. The co-teachers’ goal is to design the lesson so that students will have equitable access and opportunity to engage in learning tasks exploring all three representations.,

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