Beyond the explicit meaning of a word. For example, childlike connotes innocence. - Connotative, The perspective from which a story is told. - Point of view, The voice that speaks about the writer’s feelings or situation in a literary text. - Speaker, The symbolic meaning of words and phrases versus literal meaning. - Figurative, A word that imitates the natural sound of something. (Chirping or Meow) - Onomatopoeia, The use of the same sound to start several words in a row. For example, the beautiful butterfly blew by the bay. - Alliteration, The use of words that have repetition of similar vowel sounds but do not rhyme. - Assonance, The explicit meaning of a word. For example, helpful has one meaning. - Denotative, The attitude of an author about a subject or an audience. - Tone, Quirky sayings and expressions. For example, "Solving that puzzle was a piece of cake." - Idiom, An exaggeration beyond belief. My father can lift two tons is an example of hyperbole. - Hyperbole, When a writer describes an object as if it were a person. For example, the trees sighed in the afternoon breeze. - Personification, A direct comparison that states one thing is another. For example, recess was a zoo. - Metaphor, A comparison using like or as; for example, she is as pretty as a picture. - Simile, The person the writer chooses to tell a story. Sometimes it is the character's point of view. - Narrator,
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