1) I can't believe it's Friday! a) Friday is my favorite day. b) Duh! Yesterday was Thursday. c) Do you have any plans for the weekend? d) Fridays are great. 2) My dog ran away last night. We haven't been able to find her. a) Sad. b) Cats always come home. Too bad you don't have a cat. c) Bummer. d) Is there anything I can do to help? 3) My family saw the new movie this weekend. a) What did you think? I heard it was amazing! b) Movies are boring. c) My family sees movies all the time. d) No one cares. 4) Are you going anywhere for break next week? a) Yes. b) We're going to the beach. Have you ever been? c) No. We never go anywhere. d) IDK 5) I just got a new bike for my birthday! a) Oh really? What kind? Who from? b) Bike starts with B. c) I already have a bike. d) Who rides bikes anymore? 6) Ugh! I just got a terrible grade on my quiz. a) Seriously?! That was so easy. b) Sorry. c) Wow! You must not be smart. d) Do you know what you did wrong? 7) One more week until school is out! a) You're excited. b) Are you doing anything for the summer? c) Seems like forever. d) Big deal. 8) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? a) I hate ice cream. b) None of your business. c) Chocolate. What's yours? d) I can't decide. 9) Do you have a minute to talk? a) Sure! What's on your mind? b) Busy. c) Can we talk later? d) Not really... 10) All I want to do right now is take a nap. a) So do it. b) Yawn! c) What can I do to keep you awake? d) Me too. 11) I need a partner for the project in science class. a) Me too. b) Sorry. I already partnered with Shelly. c) Science class is lame. d) Maybe we could work together. What's your name? 12) We are supposed to talk about the story we just read and answer the 3 questions afterwards. a) *awkward silence* b) I can read the first question to get us started. c) I'm doing it on my own. d) I don't feel like doing this.

Making Conversations Practice


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