feast - a large meal for a celebration, fasting - going without food, crunchy - Crunchy food is hard and makes a noise when you eat it., kettle - a metal pot for for boiling water, teased - made fun of; laughed at, backward - having made less progress than normal, rooster crows - the call the rooster makes before the sun comes up, clatter - if hard objects clatter, they knock together and make a loud noise, spill out of - leave a space in large numbers, hive - structure where bees live, sprinkled with - to shake small pieces of something or drops of a liquid on something, gully - a deep ditch, stream - small river, draped - to hang clothes, materials, etc. loosely on somebody/something, bangles - bracelets, stroke - moving your hand gently over a surface, usually several times, road crew - workers building and repairing roads, mines - a deep hole or holes under the ground where minerals such as coal, gold, etc. are dug, illiterate - unable to read or write, struggle - to try very hard to do something when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems, talk back to - to answer somebody rudely, especially somebody in authority, elders - people of greater age, experience and authority, take over - to take control of something, burned to the ground - destroyed by fire completely, severe - very strict or serious, banned - not allowed, shuddered - to shake because you are cold or frightened, or because of a strong feeling, cast a dark shadow - bring sadness or pain to a situation and future,
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