1) Does a Careers Adviser tell you what to do? a) Yes, they are really bossy! b) No, they are just there to guide.  c) Sometimes they do, as I often need telling. 2) Is a Careers Session confidential (private)? a) No, my teachers will be told what I say. b) No, my parents/careers will be told, even if I ask them not to. c) Yes, unless it affects health & safety, or you agree for information to be shared. 3) Do Careers Advisers know everything? a) Yes, they are super smart! b) They know nearly everything! c) No, but they are wise and keen researchers who will help you find out stuff! 4) Are Careers Advisers biased? a) Yes, they just want us to go to the school or college they work in! b) Yes, they know what's best and will tell me where to go and what to do. c) No, they are not trying to push me down a certain path.  5) Careers Advisers only want to talk about jobs. a) Yes, that's their job! b) Yes, as a "career" is just about work. c) Yes, as without a job you don't have a career.  d) No, they talk about lots of things, such as how to make decisions or your hopes about the future. 6) A Careers Session is between 5 and 10 minutes long. a) True. As that's all you need. b) False, it is a minimum of 30 minutes. In some cases it maybe shorter if it is in your best interest (e.g., if you have additional needs). 7) A Careers Session is where we talk about only what I want? a) False, it is about what the Careers Adviser wants to talk about. b) True, you decide what you talk about... the Careers Adviser has no say.  c) False. You will both explore and discuss what you wish to talk about and agree what the priorities and aims of the session are. 8) The Careers Adviser will judge me and my ideas. a) Yes, they will laugh at you if you have a silly idea. b) Careers Advisers are non-judgemental - they want to hear all your ideas! c) They won't judge me but, they will judge my ideas. 9) We must know what I want to do in the future before my Careers Session? a) Yes, as otherwise they can't help. b) No, they understand that many of us won't know what we want to do yet... they are there to help us discover. c) Yes, as it shows them how work ready we are. 10) Careers Advisers aren't trained. a) True. Anyone can provide careers advice. b) False. Fully qualified Careers Advisers in schools, are qualified to at least level 6.

What does a Careers Adviser do at my school?


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