Measurement Units - The units to measure and compare different objects, lengths, distance between two places, etc., Customary System - The main system of weights and measures used in the United States and a few other countries. The system is based on the yard as a unit of length, the pound as a unit of weight, the gallon as a unit of liquid volume, and the bushel as a unit of dry volume., Metric System - The decimal measuring system based on the meter, liter, and gram as units of length, capacity, and weight or mass., Convert - To change a value or expression from one form to another., Equivalent Measures - two measures being qualitatively similar., Length - the measurement that describes how long an object is., Interval - all the numbers that come between two particular numbers., Mass - the quantity of matter in an object., Dividend - the value that is divided by another value to get the result., Divisor - a number by which another number is to be divided., Calculate - To work out an answer, usually by adding, multiplying etc.,
Unit 4 MTSS
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