dressed to kill - She wore a little black dress and high heels, _______ for the party., in his shoes - If I were _______ and had to work two jobs to support my family, I would be exhausted too., fits like a glove - The suit _______ and he looks very sharp for the interview., fashionable statement piece - Her bright yellow scarf is not only warm but also a _______., a good eye - He has _______ for spotting rare gems at the flea market., in his pocket - It's rumored that the politician is _______., cost me an arm and a leg - Buying a new car will ______, so I need to save up some money first., got cold feet - He ______ before getting on the rollercoaster and decided to wait for his friends on the ground., let her hair down - After a long day at work, she likes to ______ and watch a movie., put my foot in it - I didn't mean to offend him, but I _____ by bringing up his ex-girlfriend.,


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