1) It’s white and screams boo. It’s the... a) Ghost b) Bat c) Spider d) Witch 2) It’s black and flies during the night. People believe it can become a vampire. It’s the... a) Witch b) Jack o’lantern c) Bat d) Monster 3) She sometimes flies on a broom. She’s the... a) Spider b) Witch c) Jack o’lantern d) Ghost 4) It has a smile on its face and a candle inside. It’s the... a) Monster b) Jack o’lantern c) Witch d) Bat 5) It is black and weaves webs. It’s the... a) Bat b) Witch c) Spider d) Jack o’ lantern 6) People believe they are bad luck. a) Monster b) black cat c) Witch d) Bat

Holiday- Halloween Quiz



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