meiamasi - from when, korin - do we read, bearvis - at night, mishah - from the time, nichnasin - enter, terumah - gifts to the kohen, ad - until, sof - the end, haashmoorah - period, chatzos - midnight, sheyaleh - that goes up, amud hashachar - dawn, maseh - story, shebaoo - that they came, banav - his sons, mibeis hamishteh  - froom a party (wedding), karino - read, ulah - went up , chayavin - are obligated, zoo - this, mitzvoson - its mitzvah is, hekter - sacrificing, chalavim - fats, veivarim - and limbs, haneechalin - are eaten, im kein - if so, lamah - why , kedei - in order, leharchick - to distance,



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