You want to sit with your parents at dinner, but they ask you to sit at the kids table. What will you do?, You're having fun playing outside with your cousins but your mom calls you in for Thanksgiving dinner and you're not ready. What will you do?, You're grandma is insisting that you try her corn casserole, but you know you won't like it. What will you do?, Your cousin isn't supposed to eat sweets and ask you to sneak him some. What will you do?, You want to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade but your mom asks you to help her in the kitchen. What will you do?, You have been finished eating for 10 minutes and want to leave the dinner table, but everyone else is still eating. What will you do?, Your aunt made brownies just for you, but added chocolate chips. She asks how it is , but you don't like it. What will you do?, Your family is going around the table saying something they are thankful for. You are nervous to speak. What will you do?, Your Dad asks you to help clear the dinner table, but you want to play with your iPad. What will you do?, Your parents said that you would make it home from dinner in time for your favorite show, but you missed it. What will you do?.

Thanksgiving Social Problem Solving


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