Three Main Soil Types - Sand, Silt, and Clay, Sand - Course Particles, Silt - Medium Particles, Clay - Fine Particles, Soil Profiles - Humus O, Topsoil A, Sand and Silt E, Subsoil B, Broken Rock C, Solid Rock R, Characterizes 12 texture classes defined by the USDA - Soil Texture Triangle, Continental Sand - Composed of quartz, mica, feldspar, and dark minerals like horneblende and magnetite, Volcanic Sand - Dark as a result of black basalt or green olivine; from mid ocean volcanoes, Skeletal Sand - made from remains of marine organisms; found in tropical regions, Precipitate Sand - minerals from water that has evaporated, Difference between Immature and Mature Sand - Immature: more jagged; mature: more round, Immature Sand - Found at bottom of bays, swamps, and floodplains, Mature Sand - Found on beaches or desert dunes where weathering has taken place, Soil Evidence - Collect at least four tablespoons of material from multiple locations, Cadaver Decomposition Island (CDI) - Formed by the products (toxic and nutrient rich) emitted from the decomposing body , Affects of Soil on Decomposition - depth and rock content, soil moisture and underground water, soil texture, soil pH, oxygen level, When a Soil Contains Lime or metallic carbonates - Most likely be basic pH, Soil that contains sulfates or nitrates - most likely be acidic, Light color pH - characteristic of acids, dark color pH - characteristic of bases, olive color pH - characteristic of neutral solutions (pH=7),
Forensics Soil Quiz
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