What kind of movies do you enjoy the most? (e.g., action, adventure, comedy, or cartoons), What's your favorite movie or cartoon? Can you tell me why you like it?, What's the worst movie that you have ever seen?, Are cinemas too expensive? How much money should we pay for one ticket? Would you pay extra money to watch a 3D, 4D, or IMAX movie?, What do you like to eat or drink while watching a film?, How do you choose which movie to watch? By the genre,topic,main star?, What film do you want to watch these days?Are you waiting for it?, Would you like to be an actor or actress?, Who are your favourite movie stars (and why)?, Do you usually watch movies alone or with someone?, Who is the biggest movie hero ever and the biggest ever bad guy?, Do you like watching movies at home or at the cinema? Why?, Have you ever imagined being a character from a movie or cartoon? Which one and what would you do?, What's the funniest cartoon or movie you've ever seen? Can you share a funny moment from it?, If you could create your own cartoon or movie, what would it be about? Describe the main character., Would you rather watch a movie about animals or superheroes? Why do you like that type of movie?, Do you like when movies have happy endings or when they surprise you? Why?, Have you ever read Harry Potter or have you ever watched Harry Potter?, Do you like it when movies have lots of action and fighting, or do you prefer quieter stories with adventures?, Do you think popcorn tastes better at the cinema or at home? Why?, Which popcorn do you like more?E.g. salty,sweet,spicy or with caramel,cheese...?.
Speaking: Movies(початковий)
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